Monday, May 9, 2016

What a Year!

What a Year!

As I am sure many of you know, this year has been a challenge for me.  With family illnesses, two deaths, and then my own illness, it definitely feels like I have been away from school more than I have been present.  Thank heavens for wonderful substitutes who have been taking good care of the library and your kids in my absence.

Despite everything, there are many things I am pleased about this school year. For one, Mrs. Davis and I made great strides in our digital citizenship program.  All fourth and fifth graders have Office 365 accounts.  Our priority next year is ensuring that the fourth graders get in to their accounts early in the school year and that we are able to use it with them frequently throughout the year.

Fifth grade account information will be sent to South.

We had three active clubs in the library this year. Fourth and fifth graders came to the library during their lunch times to read Scat and Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone.  At the request of several boys, a sports discussion group was formed.  Each group had about 24 students and met 1 to 2 times per week from December through April.

During the PLC rotation at the end of the end, I taught health and cyber safety to 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders.  These lessons culminated with the health fair which was held May 27.
As I am sure you might imagine, I have great plans for the new library.  I will be spending my summer scheming and dreaming about the new space, as well as writing my program outline for next year. 

The chart at right is a snapshot of the numbers of books our children have checked out this year.

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